Category: Wall Street

The History of Wall Street – once a Market for Slaves!

In the early 1600’s Wall Street were two walls that protected Dutch residents from marauding Indians. It seems the Dutch governor (Kieft) had approved the...

Post-JP Morgan – Still Believe a Universal Fiduciary Standard Not Needed?

A recent study provided a list of various things that one could buy with the $33 billion dollars in fines that have been assessed against...

Why do Stock Brokers Lie to Investors?

Stock brokers have licenses that limit them to selling investment products such as mutual funds and securities. The licenses do not permit them to provide...

The 4 Biggest Myths about Stock Brokers

Myth #1: Brokers are trained in financial planning.  Becoming a licensed stock broker requires passing a standardized examination (called the “Series 7″ after the type...

Why Retaliating Against Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Matters

In 2011, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) downgraded the bond rating of the US government from AAA to AA+.  The other two major bond rating agencies,...

Should I Buy Individual Bonds or Bond Funds?

Bonds play a role in a portfolio, even when the outlook for interest rates is uncertain. They offer a lower level of volatility than stocks....

Understand the Risks Before Margin Trading

More and more investors appear to be investing on margin and FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) is concerned that many are not aware of the...

Investors – Don’t use Short-Term Price Movements to Predict the Future

Short-term stock price market movements are inherently irrational and unpredictable.  Yet many investors use price movement to predict future prices. Investors make the mistake of...

What is a Full Service Stock Broker?

If you have determined you need or want someone to assist you with investing, then choosing the type of brokerage relationship that makes the most...

Could Abscam Happen Again?

More than 30 years ago the FBI ran a sting operation, known as Abscam that netted seven politicians who were willing to sell their influence...

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