Category: Wall Street

Venture Capital: Investing for the Long Term

Over the past decade, there has been an interesting shift in the way venture backed companies are approaching their Initial Public Offering (IPO). Historically, once...

Why is Wall Street Fighting Fiduciary Standards for Sales Reps?

Wall Street firms employ or license hundreds of thousands of sales representatives.  Wall Street does not want these reps locked out of the retirement asset...

Weighing In: Radio & TV Personalities Make Bad Financial Advisors

Real radio and TV personalities who report financial news are not acting as part-time financial advisors. They have full-time jobs being radio and TV news...

Why are stocks recovering as the economy declines?

Optimism. It isn’t something many Americans have been able to hold onto during this COVID-19 financial crisis. From small business shutdowns, record-high unemployment levels, and...

THE FINANCIAL EQUATION: Diversification: What You Need to Know

It’s hard to believe I’ve been writing and getting financial articles published for years and I’ve yet to cover the topic of diversification with my...

Weighing In- Politicians Protect Wall Street Executives

It is a travesty of justice that Wall Street executives can rip-off consumers for billions of dollars each year with no accountability for the damage...

I Need a Financial Planner Who Puts My Interests First

What does it mean to say “a financial planner who puts my interests first?” What are your interests? What are the financial planner’s interests? How...

Can Sales Reps Claim to be Financial Advisors? – updated September 2014

You bet they can and they do. I checked the legality of the claim with FINRA, the SEC, and California (my state of residence) to...

5 Reasons Why a New Financial Advisor is a Hidden Risk – updated September 2014

If you do not ask a prospective financial advisor any other questions be sure to ask for his years of financial advisory experience. Your goal...

A New Player in the Financial Fiduciary Wars – Updated September 2014

A financial fiduciary are financial planners, investment advisors, and money managers who hold positions of substantial trust when they invest other peoples’ money. Investors are counting...

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