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Can We Protect Investment Portfolios From Armageddon?

Having served many clients over quite a few years, it is not surprising that we repeatedly run into some version of the question posed above. There are various forms of the same question, but essentially they all reveal the same human fear: If an event happens that represents the end of life as we know it, can my assets be protected? Can we hedge in some manner? Can you foresee it and “get me out in time?” Is there some sort of portfolio “insurance” in cases like this? It is embedded in our nature as human beings. We want to avoid taking the unexpected torpedo that may sink our ship.

This is not an easy question to answer, but it is worth discussing in my two part article.

Some Historical Examples

In thinking about events that can potentially destroy an investment portfolio, it is useful to draw from history when significant negative events have occurred. Students of market history can think of many examples:

These are all historically defining events in the sense that they were a shattering of the status quo. The far-reaching effects created great uncertainty about the future in the minds of all Americans and certainly in the thinking of market participants investing money.

These four examples share one thing in common. They represent somewhat short-term events in terms of their market impact. For example,

What are the Historical Lessons?

Is there any important take-away from these historical observations? Yes, there are two that are important to understand.

First, they remind us that human beings have an inherent economic survival instinct and are resilient in this regard. When world events conspire to instill fear and panic, this is inevitably followed by a response of attempting to go back to work to restore order, make necessary repair and provision, and improve conditions. This is true of individuals, families, and nations. Damaged institutions are gradually repaired, restored, and ultimately improved. Therefore, the great danger in making significant investment decisions in your portfolio that are motivated by the fear of Armageddon is that you are making a bet about the future that is in direct odds with the centuries-old truth about human motivation.

Second, these historical events highlight the very real and inherent pitfalls in attempts at market timing decisions intended to “get me out,” when conditions look threatening. There is a strong human temptation favoring a notion of converting all of one’s portfolio assets to the safety of cash just prior to one of these torpedoes striking the ship, and then immediately reinvesting every penny after the market has sustained the damage. It sounds wonderful. This perfect time, however, is a fantasy and we know of no one who has been able to do it with any consistency. The examples of history noted earlier actually prove the point. Who guessed at the market-open on September 11, 2001, “I think America is going to be severely attacked by terrorists today, so I’ll sell all my stocks.” And as unlikely as that was, it is probably more unlikely that this same wise sage would have concluded after a week’s sharp decline in the re-opened stock market, “I think it is now time to put all my money back to work because the market will probably rebound and make up all this ground in the next month.”  This is tempting to fantasize about, but impossible to execute.

So What are the Practical Applications?  Part two of this article Protecting Your Investment Portfolio Appropriately covers that along with Conclusions that can be drawn.

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