Paladin Registry Blog

An Online Financial Advisor – Is a Human or a Robot for You?

RoboAdvisor is a term that is used to describe an Online Financial Advisor that uses computer programs to invest assets. There is no interaction between the advisor and the investor. It is an automated investment process that is cheap, passive, and online.  Personal Financial Advisors meet with you to discuss your current circumstances, performance expectations and risk tolerance.  He or she will build a portfolio of securities, mutual funds, ETFs and other investments that reflect your needs and requirements.

Below is a breakdown of how Paladin Registry views these two types of “Advisors” even though one isn’t advising you at all.

Your Online Financial Advisor


Your Personal Financial Advisor

Provides cookie-cutter investment options.  All investors are treated the same.Might make you a batch of cookies but mainly will tailor your portfolio to your specific needs and goals.
Will pool all of your assets with other investors.Just might jump in a pool with you, but choose a different pool of funds from client to client.
Doesn’t even ask you what you had for lunch.Will meet you for lunch to discuss integrated solutions, risk tolerance and your current and future needs.
Might have lower expenses.Will have higher expenses but will personalize your portfolio and will have a better understanding of your risk tolerance and specific goals.
Doesn’t even know you are crazy.Isn’t afraid to tell you that you are crazy to buy or sell a certain stock.
Provides a singular low cost solution best served for a smaller portfolio of assets.Can tailor your costs based on the size of your assets.
Gives you a finite choice of ETF and Index Funds.Gives you infinite choices with integrated solutions including financial planning, insurance and tax advice.
Is simply a computer managing your assets.Is not simple work, but a human working alongside a computer to manage your assets.
Isn’t offering actual advice.Is offering advice, whether you like the advice or not.
Leaves the ETF’s and Index Funds to be your money managers.Can also be your money manager.