CFT™Certified Financial Transitionist

- Credentials (Letters): CFT
- Credentials (Full Name): Certified Financial Transitionist
- Type of Knowledge: Financial Planning
- Sponsor for Credential: Sudden Money Institute
- Sponsor/Credential Website: https://www.suddenmoney.com/
Program Information
- Prerequisites: In order to be accepted into Core training, applicants must have at least five years of direct client contact and have already earned a CFP®, CIMA®, CFA®, or CPA/PFS designation.
- Curriculum: Part One: Introductory Workshop, Part Two: Core Training, Part Three: Certification
- Type of Study: In person, virtual
- Estimated Completion Time: About one year
- Examination Requirements: Demonstration of a base level of competency of the materials taught. This will be assessed through the completion of written assignments and oral presentations
- Continuing Education Requirements: Complete 15 hours of Continuing Education Credit per year, at least 10 credits from SMI. Remain in good standing with SMI. Attend the Mid-Year Workshop or the Annual Conference once every two years. Adhere to SMI’s Advisor Agreement.
Investor Functions
- Advisor Look-Up: https://www.suddenmoney.com/list-advisors-by-name
- Investor Education: Yes
- Telephone: 561-776-6209
- Email: Via website
- Additional Comments: Disclaimer: Since the time of this update, certification information may have been updated without our knowledge.