AEP®Accredited Estate Planner®

- Credentials (Letters): AEP
- Credentials (Full Name): Accredited Estate Planner®
- Type of Knowledge: Planning
- Sponsor for Credential: National Association of Estate Planners & Councils
- Sponsor/Credential Website: http://www.naepc.org/estate_planners.web
Program Information
- Prerequisites: Must be an attorney (JD), CPA, CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, or trust officer (CTFA); presently and significantly engaged in “estate planning activities;” have minimum of five years of experience engaged in estate planning and estate planning activities; required to be members of, and continuously maintain membership in, an affiliated local or regional estate planning council; meet a professional reputation and character requirement; commit to NAEPC Code of Ethics; and commit to the team concept of estate planning.
- Curriculum: 2 graduate level courses through The American College or equivalents at other institutions
- Type of Study: Unknown
- Estimated Completion Time: Unknown
- Examination Requirements: 1 for each course
- Continuing Education Requirements: 30 hours every 2 years, of which 15 hours must be in estate planning
Investor Functions
- Advisor Look-Up: http://www.naepc.org/search_planning.web
- Investor Education: Yes
- Telephone: 866-226-2224
- Email: admin@naepc.org
- Additional Comments: Disclaimer: Since the time of this update, certification information may have been updated without our knowledge.