Ames Planning Fiduciary Services


Ames Planning Fiduciary Services


Investment Fiduciary Consulting Services


Ames Planning provides training, education, investment reviews, and comprehensive analysis to individual and institutional trustees and fiduciaries.  Trusts, private foundations and corporate sponsored retirement plans all have fiduciaries tasked with the responsibility of prudently managing money for the benefit of others.  


As Accredited Investment Fiduciaries, we have received specialized formal training that enable us to help our clients manage the process of training new trustees, as well as implementing and monitoring their fiduciary responsibility. Our expertise helps fiduciaries and trustees dissect qualified plans (in the case of corporate retirement plans) and examine their investment structure components piece by piece in accordance with the Twenty-Seven Prudent Investment Practices developed by the Foundation for Fiduciary Studies. 


The Practices have been edited by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and reviewed by C. Frederick Reish, Esq., one of the country’s most distinguished ERISA attorneys. The twenty-seven practices focus on the critical investment issues ranging from the diversification of assets, to the preparation of the Investment Policy Statement, to the complete unbundling, identification, and accountability of all investment expenses.


Consulting Benefits

ü      Annual plan savings realized (true costs revealed)

ü      Ensures legal and prudent fiduciary processes are followed

ü      Reduces fiduciary liability by uncovering omissions

ü      Improves long-term performance

ü      Enables fiduciaries to compare practices and procedures


Consulting Levels

ü      Fiduciary training and education

ü      Investment fiduciary reviews

ü      Investment fiduciary analysis and implementation


Ames Planning Associates, Inc.

Registered Investment Advisors

                      Box 396, Peterborough, New Hampshire 03458-0369

                          603 924 9939, Telephone  603 924 9938 Facsimile



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