Paladin Registry Blog

Do You Know What a Fiduciary Financial Advisor Is?

There’s been a lot of media coverage lately re: The Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) possible new rules for financial advisors to act as fiduciaries for clients, especially when dealing with specific types of retirement accounts.  I’m sure the question that almost everyone is asking is “What’s a fiduciary”, followed closely by “Why does it matter”?  Well, let’s explain further so everyone can understand why it’s important.

The definition of a fiduciary is one who acts in the best interests of another.  There is obviously an implied sense of trust with a fiduciary when entering into an arrangement with one.  The responsibility of the fiduciary to the principal or beneficiary (ex: that’s the client of a financial advisor who acts as a fiduciary) is called the fiduciary duty.

Now – in financial advisor land – there have been 2 different (but not necessarily separate) standards of care when it comes to clients:

  1. The suitability standard – this says that a financial advisor can make recommendations to the client (ex: buy a certain type of investment, pay off their debts, etc.) as long as it is suitable (appropriate) for the client (it may not be the best thing for the client to do, mind you)
  2. The fiduciary standard – this is the highest standard of care that a financial advisor can apply to his/her dealings with clients; the recommendations are to be in the absolute best interest of the client re: the client’s specific financial situation (extra care and prudence is needed when operating in this capacity for clients)

When you read those two standards of care up above, ask yourself this very important question:  Which of those two standards of care seems best for financial advisors to adhere to when practicing?  When an advisor recommends you buy XYZ product for your retirement portfolio, is it because it’s suitable or the absolute best choice for your situation (perhaps it’s because the advisor gets a bigger commission by recommending that product, instead of a very similar product that costs less)?  If you can’t be sure that your advisor is acting in a fiduciary capacity, it might be time to look for a new firm and financial advisor that always adheres to the fiduciary duty when dealing with their clients.

Now that you’ve got an understanding of what you should want in a financial advisor (one who always has a fiduciary duty to his/her clients), don’t just settle for someone who operates in a fiduciary capacity only some of the time – make sure that they always are acting in your best interests.  Hiring the right financial advisor can make all of the difference over the long term, and now that you know that – you’re welcome!

Find an experienced financial advisor who always operates in a fiduciary capacity, works for an RIA firm, earns his/her money from fees (NOT commissions), believes in having an abundance of investment choices for clients, and has the heart & demeanor of a teacher, NOT a salesman, and chances are you’ve found the right financial advisor to help you prepare and plan for your financial goals.

To learn more about Martin Federici at MF Advisers Inc., view his Paladin Registry research report